Welcome to www.ViennaExpats.com! This blog is related to my stay in Vienna and aims at helping other Expats relocating to Austria and settling down...


Working in Austria

An interesting 70-page document on the employment in Austria. The document covers the following thematics: Arrival in Austria, living conditions, education, recognition of diplomas obtained abroad, job-hunting, terms and conditions of employment, taxes, social security, checklist for relocating in Austria, and useful addresses.

Two other summary documents quite useful: Living and Working in Austria and Looking for Work in Austria.

PDF Files


  1. Hey, Karim, what a terrific, and very useful, site!

    I was wondering if you knew if there was some webpage somewhere, with salary statistics for Engineering Jobs (i.e. software engineer, etc) in Austria? Any idea where I can find what the mean salaries are these days?

    Please reply to me at epasquali@hotmail.com if you know!



  2. mohannad aftab3:12 pm

    Excellent site, especically for Non German speakers. I guess you did cover almost every thing. Sorry dont have any info about salary stats for Engineering jobs.

