Welcome to www.ViennaExpats.com! This blog is related to my stay in Vienna and aims at helping other Expats relocating to Austria and settling down...


Finding a Bank

The Private Banking website is providing a detailed list of 100+ banks in Vienna. For French expats, the MFE is providing at this address a list of the French banks with representations in Vienna.

Note that the "Bank Austria Creditanstalt" (http://www.ba-ca.com/en/index.html) is providing special services and facilities for the Expats and the International Community in Vienna. There are 2 locations with multilingual teams of financial advisors in the 1st district.

Bank Austria Creditanstalt Service Centre for Expatriates
Address: A-1010 Vienna, Am Hof 2
Tel : +43 5 05 05 - 52267
Fax: +43 5 05 05 - 56955
E-mail: expatriates@ba-ca.com

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