Welcome to www.ViennaExpats.com! This blog is related to my stay in Vienna and aims at helping other Expats relocating to Austria and settling down...


Health Links

To search for doctors/specialists in Vienna, visit this search page: http://www.aekwien.or.at/997.py. For an overview of the open pharmacies, you should check this very useful link: http://business.geolook.at/apothekerkammer/index99.asp. Although the doctors' search function allows you to specify foreign language skills (Fremdsprache), neither website is available in English Thanks Peter for these links :-)


  1. Anonymous6:46 pm


    Does anyone know where it is possible to find a psychologist or psychiatrist who speaks English (preferably, but not necessarily as a native speaker) and accepts WGKK?

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
